Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Monitoring Wembley Stadium

Nottingham-based Axiomatic Technology has continued its partnership with Wembley Stadium in monitoring crowd levels on the pitch during the summer's gigs.

Monitored from the stadium's control centre, the company is able to monitor both the amount of people on the pitch at any one time, as well as the flow from each pitch-side entrance.

First put into use in 2008, the system has allowed Wembley to give new flexibility in terms of stage set-ups with music promoters.

Nick Woodhouse, Head of Wembley Stadium Health & Safety Compliance says: "This is an invaluable and unique system which has enabled decisions about crowd management to be based on real-time factual information rather than observation and theory. Some of the events we are staging this year would be extremely difficult to manage without this technology."

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